Информация о файле |
Имя файла: | Шишкина_Юлия~0.JPG |
Альбом: | Рисунок с перелётным видом птицы Башкирии |
Рейтинг (голосов: 3): |  |
Размер файла: | 150 KB |
Добавлен: | Окт 07, 2015 |
Размеры: | 1024 x 768 пикселей |
Просмотрен: | 26 раз(а) |
ISO: | 80 |
Y разрешение: | 300 dots per ResolutionUnit |
Вспышка: | Flash, Auto-Mode |
Высота изображения: | 3000 pixels |
Дистанция ручного фокуса: | 0 m |
Единица длины: | Inch |
Контрастность изображения: | NORMAL |
Коэффициент усиления: | 2 |
Коэффициент цифрового зума: | 0 |
Насыщенность: | 0 |
Подавление шума: | OFF |
Положение точки в ячейке YСbCr: | Datum Point |
Формат FlashPix: | version 1 |
Цифровой зум: | 1x |
Ссылка: | http://foto.broo.bashkiria.ru/displayimage.php?pos=-18272 |
Избранные: | Добавить в Избранное |
"Our response is that this is an important issue, and weappreciate and support efforts to get clarity and help determinethe best path moving forward that respects and is fair topensioners and all parties," Wurfel said.
Ah, you argue, but the iPad doesn't come with a keyboard. The Nexus 10 doesn't come with a keyboard. Why hold the Surface RT accountable for the same omission? Because it's a Windows-powered tablet, one that's ostensibly designed with productivity in mind.
The Social Democrats (CSSD), which have pushed hardest forearly elections, said the proposed election date fell in linewith their expectations. "CSSD has wanted an election at theearliest (possible date)," spokesman Martin Ayer said.
Alex Rodriguez is back in batterâs box with Yanks, but owners hardly sound concerned over his reported plan to take swings at MLB in form of federal lawsuit alleging Bud Selig & Co. have persecuted him.