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Teresa Heinz Kerry has been hospitalized since last weekend, after her family witnessed her having &#8220;seizure-like&#8221; symptoms while vacationing with Secretary Kerry in Nantucket. After being hospitalized first on the island, Heinz Kerry was flown to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston late Sunday for further treatment. Doctors have since ruled out several serious causes of her illness such as a heart attack, stroke, or a brain tumor, family spokesman Glen Johnson said in a statement on Tuesday.
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Family and friends are invited to call at the Doran Funeral Home, 4 E. Bayard St., Seneca Falls, on Monday from 4-7 p.m. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Church in Waterloo. The family has asked that, if anyone desires, contributions be made to the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation, P.O. Box 50798, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32240.
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