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Devoting her first speech to what she called the &#8220;assault on voting rights,&#8221; Clinton denounced the Supreme Court&#8217;s invalidation of pre-clearance requirements in the Voting Rights Act, which require jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to clear voting law changes with the federal government.
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Another from the wholesome, family-friendly pen of Wes Craven, this 1984 hit slasher would ignite the careers of Robert Englund and a young Johnny Depp. And yet the concept, amazingly, was based on a true story that Craven had read in the LA Times during the 1970s. The subject was Khmer refugees, who&rsquo;d fled to America after the US bombing of Cambodia. Several had began to suffer from disturbing nightmares, and refused to sleep. A few days later, when they finally succumbed to exhaustion, they died &ndash; a phenomenon unimaginatively named by medics as &ldquo;Asian Death Syndrome&rdquo;. To which, Craven realised, the natural next step would be to add razor-sharp gloves, stripey jumpers and a man apparently dipped in a mozzarella fondue.
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