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Stained glass windows decorate the inside of Friendship Baptist Church, one of two historic Atlanta churches near the site of a proposed new NFL stadium, Friday, Sept. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. The Atlanta Falcons are offering an extra $8 million to purchase a church property that sits at the site of a proposed $1 billion, retractable roof stadium that the NFL team wants to build, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said Friday. Falcons owner Arthur Blank agreed last week to put up the extra funds to clinch the deal after negotiations stalled last month with Mount Vernon Baptist Church, one of two churches along with Friendship Baptist that will have to be relocated if the stadium is to be built on the city's preferred site. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
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Гость_Fredrick  [Март 02, 2022 в 08:13]
Is there ? (...) para que sirve aldara crema 5 Like other parts of the plane, the helmet-mounted display—with its newfangled gadgetry—works better on paper than in practice. According to Charlie, some test pilots have experienced spatial disorientation in flight serious enough that they have disabled the data and video streams to the helmet and landed using the plane’s conventional flight displays. Spatial disorientation is a potentially lethal condition in which a pilot loses his bearings and confuses perception with reality. A 2002 joint U.S.-U.K. review of Class A mishaps in the U.S. Air Force between 1991 and 2000 found that spatial disorientation was implicated in 20 percent of cases, at a cost of $1.4 billion and 60 lives. (Class A mishaps are defined as incidents that result in a “fatality or permanent total disability,” destruction of an aircraft, or $1 million or more in damage.) The report’s authors worried that, with the advent of helmet-mounted displays, mishaps involving spatial disorientation “will continue to pose a significant threat to aircrew.”
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