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GROUPS &#8211; After nearly 12 years of fighting, dissatisfaction with the war in Afghanistan is broadly based, with majorities across demographic groups saying it hasn&#8217;t been worth the costs, including, for example, 51 and 57 percent of Republicans and conservatives, respectively. That jumps to 77 percent among liberals, 74 percent of Democrats and 71 percent of independents.
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On the other hand, it may be the movement from big banks to credit unions has simply grown quieter. The Credit Union National Association reported earlier this year that after membership at not-for-profit financial institutions hit an all-time high in 2011, it did so again in 2012, with credit union membership surpassing 93 million in the second quarter of last year. "Once [bank customers] make the switch to a credit union, members never turn back," Volpe says.
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&#8220;I wonder why all the fat cats in Washington are getting paid to argue about [the federal budget], and why are we getting caught up in it,&#8221; said one frustrated FBI agent, a 15-year veteran who works counterterrorism cases in an unusually expensive U.S. city. &#8220;This is horrific.&#8221;
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